Your Voice
Your Vision
Your Plan
Final Draft Plan now available!
See below
Comprehensive Plan
The City of Warren Planning Commission is embarking on a full update to their 1998 Comprehensive Plan. You can now review the Draft Plan in its entirety above!If you'd like to see the existing plan, click on the link below.PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY
We heard from some many of you! Throughout the planning process, there were a variety of opportunities to participate in multiple surveys.
All surveys are now closed as we move into the next process of reviewing the Draft Plan,
but you can still review the Survey results we have gathered throughout the project.
Click the link below to see results!
If you were unable to participate in the survey, you may provide your input through the feedback section below.
Please provide your thoughts, opinions and wishes for the future of the City of Warren below.
All feedback will be collected and incorporated into the plan; however, if you have a time-sensitive question, please contact the City directly.
© 2021